mostly electronic dj music and related tech

October 11, 2008

PODCAST Update for October 2008: Political By Nature (Part 1)

Hey Gang.

Maybe you’ll catch this this weekend or come monday.. but.. would appreciate you checking out the sounds, stylings and humor…

On the Techno and Deep Tech House Tip. New and Old as the story goes.

Blancocast Coverart

Benny Blanco®
AOL Radio 23 October 2008 : Political By Nature Pt.1
Title | Artist | Release | Label | Country

1 The Original Styles (126bpm v2) benny blanco® 303 Acidpellas Vol. 1 [blancodisco] US
2 (B) Again! Martin Buttrich I Lost My Wallet [Cocoon Recordings COR12″052] Germany
3 (2) Manalive – Jon Rundell Remix Devilfish, Roel Salemink Manalive [Bush 3001] AU
4 (B1) God Made Me Phunky (Groove Assassins Remix) Mike Dunn presents The MD X-Spress [Defected DFTD192] UK
5 (B3) Seconds (Instrumental, Remix) The League Unlimited Orchestra Love And Dancing [Virgin OVED 6] UK
6 (A) Evolover (Johannes Heil Remix) Peter Horrevorts Evolver Remixes [Kanzleramt KA142] Germany
7 (3) Spirit Staffan Linzatti Time Compression EP [Synewave SW81D] US
8 (A) Marathon Aubrey Marathon [Offshoot SHOOT002] UK
9 (B) JS-01R JS JS-01/01R [JS JS-01] UK
10 (A) JS-02 JS JS-02 [JS JS-02] UK
11 (A1) Crispy Bacon Laurent Garnier Crispy Bacon 12″ [Never Records NR 1021] US
12 (AA) Abacus (Original Mix) Tiger Stripes Blackroom Entertainment EP [Get Physical Music GPM097] Germany
13 (2) Adapt 1, 2 & 3 Staffan Linzatti Time Compression EP [Synewave SW81D] US
14 (D) Can’t Stop (Classic Original Mix) Plez Can’t Stop [Bush BUSH1004] UK
15 (A) Slice JB3 Slice [Bush Bush 100] UK
16 (A) DX Heaven Cherry Bomb DX Heaven [Music Man Records MM 094 ] Belgium

Straight up Traktor DJ Mix using the Vestax VCI-100 Controller. Shite rules. 1 take. Only overdubbed the Voice Over bits.

Tech Specs.
184.2 MB
320 kbps
Running Time: 1 hour 19 minutes and 19 seconds
Fancy enhanced podcast with art and discogs links.

Podcast update:
itunes music store

direct rss feed:




September 4, 2008

PODCAST Update for September 2008, PDD-NOS Part 3 (final)

Here’s the final post, Part 3, of the PDD-NOS podcast session. It picks up a bit from where Part 2 left you.

Blancocast Coverart Aol22

Benny Blanco®
AOL Radio 22 August 2008 : PDD-NOS Pt.3
Title | Artist | Release | Label | Country

26 (1) Drop The Bomb Cut Copy Drop The Bomb [Modular Recordings MODPRO20] Australia
27 (B2) Deceptive Secrecy In Flagranti It’s All Rubbish [Codek Records Europe CRE011] Switzerland
28 (A) Surfing at Midnight (Original) Sorceror Surfing at Midnigh [Tirk TIRK019] UK
29 (A5) Doin’ It Gwen McCrae Ashley Beedle Grass Roots [Strut STRUTLP 004] UK
30 (B) Night Mover Unknown Artist Sun Shadow [Creative Use CREATIVE USE 005] UK
31 (A) Diva (May Version) AN-2 Diva [Theomatic THEOM 004] Russia
32 (A3) Move Spacer The Beamer [Pussyfoot Records PUSSY LP 018] UK
33 (B1) Disco Trippin Amplified Orchestra Electricity [Amplified AO-1] US
34 (A1) Raw Dmx – Do It to the Funk Greg Wilson Credit To The Edit Vol.1 [Tirk TIRK006] UK
35 (B1) You Are in My System (Tu Estas En Mi Systema) The System Tu Estas En Mi Systema (You Are In My System) [Mirage 0-99892] US
36 (02) Call Me Mr.Telephone (Vocal Mix) Answering Service Confuzed Disco A Retrospective of Italian Records CD1 [Irma Records-Mantra Vibes IRMA 822 CD] Italy
37 (A3) Coach Me (Again And Again version with In Flagranti) Black Devil Disco Club With In Flagranti Black Devil Disco Club In Dub [Lo Recordings LLP 60] UK

Find my blancocast podcast on the iTunes music store, but, you can also simply subscribe to this url here:




August 30, 2008

PODCAST Update for August 2008, PDD-NOS Part 2

[podcast format=”video”][/podcast]Here’s the post for Part 2 of the PPD-NOS podcast session available now.

Only 1 part left!

Blancocast Coverart Aol22

Benny Blanco®
AOL Radio 22 August 2008 : PDD-NOS Pt.2
Title | Artist | Release | Label | Country

15 (A) Rainchild In Flagranti Emotional R [Mindless Boogie Mindless 009] UK
16 (3) Namaste Beastie Boys The in Sound From Way Out! [Japan Bonus Tracks] [Capitol Records TOCP-53573] Japan
17 (C1) Argha Noah Nightmares On Wax Carboot Soul [Warp Records WARP LP 61] UK
18 (2) Stand up Jamrock (Ashley Beedle dub) Bob Marley Stand Up Jamrock (Ashlee Beedle Remixes) [Island Records Promo]
19 (B1) Teardrop (Mad Professor Mazaruni Vocal Mix) Massive Attack Teardrop [Virgin Records America]
20 (A2) Morse Nightmares On Wax Carboot Soul [Warp Records WARP LP 61] UK
21 (1) Groove Holmes Beastie Boys The in Sound From Way Out! [Japan Bonus Tracks] [Capitol Records TOCP-53573]
22 (01) Birds of Prey Architeq Birds of Prey [Tirk TIRK035] UK
23 (02) Daves Sex Bits (Quiet Village Rmx) Toby Tobias Daves Sex Bits [REIKDS 011] UK
24 (A1) Speilplatz (Quiet Village Deep Space Remix) Mudd Speilplatz (quiet village deep space remix) [Rong Music 19] US
25 (B) Suoivean Mamadoo Mari Boine vs. Mungolian Jetset It Ain’t Necessarily Evil [Luna Flicks LUNA 002] Norway

Find my blancocast podcast on the iTunes music store, but, you can also simply subscribe to this url here:




August 9, 2008

Safe 2 Drive driving school… I got a speeding ticket

So, I was back in San Diego visiting the folks for a little summer vacation early in July. The wife and I were driving home from an afternoon of shopping. We were just merging onto a highway from another when I was coming off a steep on ramp and was going pretty fast. I drove by a cop of course hidden on the side of the road and as soon as I saw him and turn on the headlights, I was done for. I looked at the speedometer, and saw 71 MPH or so. DOH!!! Damn you quiet Acura!

Anyway, the cop was pretty cool and I got my ticket and was on my way. I wasn’t really looking forward for a $300 ticket, but what are you gonna do? I got my notice in the mail back in nyc a few weeks later and had the option to take driving school to ensure a point would not be added to my driving record.


I searched through some 30 odd driving schools approved for San Diego county provided with my notice to appear in court and narrowed it down to the one I choose. Safe 2 Drive.

The course was $12.95 plus $6.95 to do online I.D. verification through Equifax. This was one of the cheapest course costs as well online verification costs I came across. Other schools were charging 9.99 and higher most of the time. When I finally got to payment part of the course (at the very end after you have passed all course material), there was a field for Promotion Code. I did a quick google search and the first entry delivered this code below.

Code: 1FAF1
Discount: 10% off

It worked like a charm and deducted an additional 3.00 off for “Family and Friends”. Total price was $16.90. The reason why I choose this course was mainly based of the site’s design. It was one of the cleaner and more professionally designed sites I came across. Some of the driving schools were so crappy in design, I only would have considered them if the price was even cheaper. Anyway… I had a pleasing experience and got through 5 chapter course in about 3.5 hours total broken into 2 sessions at my computer. You take a 10 question quiz at the end of each chapter. Pass with 80% or more and you can move on to the next chapter. After going through all course material, you then can enter the payment flow, i.d. verification online (if you choose that path) and then onto a 25 question test. The funny thing is, there is nothing to stop you from keeping course material or the internet for finding answers to questions on the test if you need it. I ace the test 100%, but probably because the stuff I had just read and ran through was still fresh in my head.

Bottom Line, if you get a speeding ticket in san diego county and you qualify for driving school. I’d recommend this school for cost and design. The only crappy part of the site’s design is that there is no way to quickly navigate to say Chapter 1 from Chapter 4. You have to hit Prev/Next buttons for each slide/page to get there. Locked in the linear navigation. If you can deal with that… there you have it.

August 9, 2008

PODCAST Update for August 2008, FINALLY!!!!! PDD-NOS Part 1

It’s been way too long. The biggest gap I’ve had in putting out these podcasts since I started getting these out.

Without further ado…

Blancocast Coverart Aol22

Benny Blanco®
AOL Radio 22 August 2008 : PDD-NOS Pt.1
Title | Artist | Release | Label | Country

1 (13) Visions Cut Copy In Ghost Colours [Modular Records USA MODCD050] US
2 (09) bodies (prins thomas orgasmatron) todd terje prima norsk 3 – the space disco edition [beatservice records bs078cd] Norway
3 (A) Night Falls Won’t Back Down (A-Side Remix) Booka Shade Vs Plastic Operator Night Falls Won’t Back Down [Mash MASH001] Germany
4 (B1) Second Moon DJ Kent In The Bush [Bear Funk BF 002] UK
5 (2A) She’s Sent (Heaven) (Original) Michoacan She’s Sent (Heaven) [Tiny Sticks Records stick009] UK
6 (B2) Disco D’oro (Dj Spun Mix) Tussle Disco D’oro [Rong Music RONG004] US
7 (B2) Black Coffee Jesse Rose Let’s start again EP [Dubsided DSD004] UK
8 (A) Magic Love (Ashley Beedle’s Black Magic Vocal Mix Edit) Bent Magic Love [Sport SPORT8P] UK
9 (A1) Where The Music Takes You (Pastaboys Main) Ananda Project Where The Music Takes You [Nite
Grooves KNG286] US
10 (B) Tomcat’ (Mock’s Mod Mix) Mock & Toof Black Jub [Tiny Stick Records stick 011] UK
11 (B) Hearts on Fire (Joakim Remix) Cut Copy Hearts on Fire [Modular Recordings MODVL056] Australia
12 (01) I Walk Alone (Dimitri From Paris Re-Edit) Those Guys Basement Boys Productions – Anthology [Basement Boys Records BBRCD006] US
13 (B1) Go Around (Gusto’s Move The Party Mix) Criminal Element Orchestra Go Around [Fourth & Broadway 12 BRW 336] UK
14 (B2) Help Myself Chez Damier I Never Knew Love [KMS KMS048] US

Find my blancocast podcast on the iTunes music store, but,
you can also simply subscribe to this url here:




March 21, 2008

Tim Haslett 1966-2008 …. some WZBC shows Archived

So, this past week, it was brought to our attention, that Boston’s own, Tim Haslett was found dead in his apartment at Michigan State University whilst working through Post Graduate Studies, of an accidental prescribed medication overdose. As the news spread amongst those who knew Tim, fantastic memories of our interactions with Tim emerged… in some cases, it was the passive interactions with Tim we really enjoyed. We listened to Tim’s selections on his numerous shows he hosted on Boston College’s WZBC in the early 90’s, where I also use to be a co-host on the ‘Z’ with Beyond the QE2 program, but from the late ’90’s through the early 2000’s. Many dj and non dj types listened to him, religiously. .and then we would religiously….. follow him and listen to him in the various record shops he worked in. For me, it was mainly Boston Beat (where I initially met him and conducted most of my interactions there), Biscuithead and Other Music.

So even if it’s a LOW Warbly Distored Bass Drum Kick to hear of Tim’s passing, it is to my excitement, that tapes are starting to surface as they get digitized. These memories encoded in these programs reflect back on fun and personal times of probably everybody’s lives as to what they were doing back in the early ’90s. (smiles)

At the time, I never taped Tim’s shows… I just listened, because I think I passed my ‘taping’ the radio days at that point. It was my arrival to Boston in 1989 to attend Berklee College of Music where I discovered the program, Diego’s ‘Moods For Moderns’ show on WFNX on Sunday Nights. This show started to shed light and just scratch the surface of the burgeoning Techno Music Scene that was about to explode in a big way.

Luckily, Old Boston Techno Head, David McMahon (DJM) captured some of Tim’s finer moments and is the first to have brought some tapes to light.. and to the land of digital, and I’m honored to host these recordings as a piece of Boston Music History.. Tim soooOOOOOoooo helped shape many of our musical paths to the Left of what most would consider ‘normal’ music, but for us.. this became.. our Normal music.

So, Tim, Thank You and even though we have to say good bye today, we can also come back to visit you whenever we’d like, with these recordings. (I hope that we can get more on the server for all to enjoy). Our receivers are still tuned.

the first set to emerge is from the Hard Wired program on WZBC.
Tim Haslett_WZBC_Hardwired_6-9-92-SideA.mp3

Tim Haslett_WZBC_Hardwired_6-9-92-SideB.mp3

2 More from DJM, from the following week:
Tim Haslett_WZBC_Hardwired_6-16-92-SideA.mp3

Tim Haslett_WZBC_Hardwired_6-16-92-SideB.mp3

Just added: (01.02.09)
Got a few more from an anonymous fan






If anyone has any more recordings they’d like to contribute, i have no problem hosting them, just get me the goods and email me where I can pick them up.
benny blanco®

I’m hi-jacking some links to other posts about Tim here:
Michigan State University Newspaper:


Friendster Profile:


Weekly Dig Tribute:

Lemmingtrail Boards:

Hua Hsu:

Beat Research Tribute:


Boston Magazine:

Changs Place:

Universal Hub:

WZBC Bloggy: