July 25, 2007
By benny blanco® in Gear & Tech | 0 comments
I don’t even have an iPhone,but came across this in my morning rss feeds. This hack is a step by step and looks fairly easy on how to finally install your own mp3 files and make them your ringtones on your iPhone. http://www.modmyiphone.com/wiki/index.php/IFuntastic_easy_iPhone_ringtone_installation
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June 21, 2007
By benny blanco® in Gear & Tech | 0 comments
VS. I just started to digitize some vinyl using the Audio8 into Ableton Live. I conducted a not so scientific test between Audio8 interface and previous my digitizing setup. I was running Technics 1200 turntable (shure m44 cart) > rolls phono preamp > inputs 1+2 with gain control on an edirol fa-101 to the mac […]
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March 25, 2007
By benny blanco® in Gear & Tech,general blog | 0 comments
So… I finally motivated and created a few blancodisco logo designs placed on various cafe press objects d’art. View the Shop. Start BUYING the blancodisco branded items. HOT! http://www.cafepress.com/blancodisco here are some of the designs: ENJOY!
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December 11, 2003
By benny blanco® in Gear & Tech,life | 0 comments
So after many many a year of having blancodisco.com services hosted at hostway.com, i felt it was about time to do some competitive shopping. I’ve since found a new hosting provider. hostrocket.com and found quite a deal compared to what i was previously getting. for $14 a month paid in 6 month chunks, i get […]
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December 2, 2003
By benny blanco® in Gear & Tech,life | 2 comments
yes folks. i did it. i did the switchover with number portability. I went from Sprint to T-Mobile (a german company) and picked up the color sidekick after rebates for $20 which i still have to send them in. so, you can still call me at the number you know love. you shouldn’t be able […]
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November 21, 2003
By benny blanco® in Gear & Tech | 1 comment
thought that this could be useful to others… I’ve been getting a few requests on the subject, cause I guess word is getting out that my mp3 files sound pretty damn good when i’m out dj’ing the digital realms of Traktor DJ and/or Final Scratch… so, after responding via email to this most recent request… […]
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