mostly electronic dj music and related tech

Archive for the 'Gear & Tech' Category

July 25, 2007

Finally… hack your own MP3 Ringtones into Apple’s iPhone!

I don’t even have an iPhone,but came across this in my morning rss feeds. This hack is a step by step and looks fairly easy on how to finally install your own mp3 files and make them your ringtones on your iPhone.

June 21, 2007

Native Instruments Audio8 vs. Edirol FA-101 to digitize vinyl (a not so scientific analysis)

VS. I just started to digitize some vinyl using the Audio8 into Ableton Live. I conducted a not so scientific test between Audio8 interface and previous my digitizing setup. I was running Technics 1200 turntable (shure m44 cart) > rolls phono preamp > inputs 1+2 with gain control on an edirol fa-101 to the mac […]

March 25, 2007

Blancodiso Shoppe up on CafePress

So… I finally motivated and created a few blancodisco logo designs placed on various cafe press objects d’art. View the Shop. Start BUYING the blancodisco branded items. HOT! here are some of the designs: ENJOY!

December 11, 2003

New Hosting Server

So after many many a year of having services hosted at, i felt it was about time to do some competitive shopping. I’ve since found a new hosting provider. and found quite a deal compared to what i was previously getting. for $14 a month paid in 6 month chunks, i get […]

December 2, 2003

Sidekick Has Arrived & Hooky

yes folks. i did it. i did the switchover with number portability. I went from Sprint to T-Mobile (a german company) and picked up the color sidekick after rebates for $20 which i still have to send them in. so, you can still call me at the number you know love. you shouldn’t be able […]

November 21, 2003

How to Rip Vinyl to DJ Digital

thought that this could be useful to others… I’ve been getting a few requests on the subject, cause I guess word is getting out that my mp3 files sound pretty damn good when i’m out dj’ing the digital realms of Traktor DJ and/or Final Scratch… so, after responding via email to this most recent request… […]