mostly electronic dj music and related tech

July 29, 2009

Awesome Synthesis and Robots Animation

Voltage from Bam Studio on Vimeo.

July 6, 2009

Iran So Far Away – DJ Gig Tuesday July 14th

7.14.09_Iran So Far Away

Hey Everybody,

I scored myself another DJ Gig with our Persian friends, Hypernova, next week, Tuesday July 14th at the Chelsea Art Museum in NYC for the Iran Inside Out exhibition.

With all the craziness going on in Iran at the moment with the botched election and all, somebody figured that they should put on some crazy art show with artists from Iran. Well, the show at the Chelsea Art Museuem was already on the way, just so happened that the timing was a co-incidence. Anyways, I’ll be DJ’ing on the rooftop (i’m like the new U2) with open bar, once you get past the admission bits. There’ll be a panel with the artists involved in the exhibit taking place early on, or, you can just come for the party portion. Something tells me that I’ll have to creatively work in Flock Of Seagulls given the title of the event.

The Deets:
at the Chelsea Arts Museum
Tuesday July 14th
Open bar reception @ 6 pm
Panel Discusssion with exhibiting artists @ 7 pm
Private Gallery Tour @ 8 pm
Live Performances on the rooftop by: Hypernova, The Freedom Glory Project & DJ Benny Blanco® @ 9 pm on….

Tickets available at the Chelsea Arts Musueum:
$30 (all access)
$25 (rooftop jams only)
$8 (panel discussion & gallery tour only)

556 West 22nd Street

May 25, 2009

DJ Feed : Livestream

Check out my new DJ Feed Page.

I’ll begin posting some mix archives on here and every so often i’ll microblog to you all when I may be doing a live impromptu session here in the blancodisco.

livestream broadcast screenshot

I finally had a moment to work out a few more kinks from Mogulus’, now, Livestream broadcasting software. They have a pretty impressive array of tools. The software is now in ‘beta’ even though they offer a “Pro” version. The forums are a little light on info… as I was trying to figure out way to get express install working in case people didn’t have the right version of flash available to no avail.

I suppose my biggest technical feat was figuring out how to easily pipe in a good clean audio signal without creating an audio feedback loop. This is what I did… I took the digital optical s/pdif out of my Edirol FA-101 (it runs through a few other digital hardware boxes in my rack) and then route back into the native optical s/pdif digital input on my Mac (quad core tower). In the Audio/Midi setup under the Audio Tab, I created a new ‘aggregated device’ and simply only selected the digital input which does not have surprisingly map to the digital output. so, right here, this pretty much prevented a feedback loop with the audio occurring.

In livestream, under the audio preferences, I selected the aggregated device for my input source and adjusted the ‘mic’ level. when I went into live broadcast or record mode, i also turned off audio montioring.

April 16, 2009

This must be the place….

While crawling the outer reaches of the blogosphere, I came across the video clip in my journeys. David Byrne performing with an orchestra on the BBC. Sure, that in-itself is not unusual for Mr. Byrne, but this performance takes you back to the days of the Talking Heads in one of their more catchy tunes, “This Must Be The Place.”

Me likely like. The drum playing is a little too ho hum for me and could of had a drum loop playing for all I care…. but… the strings, the marimba riffs and David is still able to belt out the tune are sure to turn any frown upside down. enjoy. Happy Friday Y’alls.

April 15, 2009

Love ‘im, Hate ‘im Trent Reznor’s chat with Digg’s Kevin Rose….

is an entertaining glimpse into Trent’s (NIN) world focusing mostly on Music Business/State of the Industry sort of questions with a little fluff thrown in for good measure.

He speaks more in depth what NIN has done and is doing currently, and even offers advice on how to go about getting yourself out there today all while giving a little history recap of how it use to be, but no more. He often makes jabs at the overall ‘big music congolomeretes’ and that they still, just don’t get it. He still feels that we’re probably still a few years off to the new digital models get worked out. Either way, the NIN camp will keep at it trying to innovate and push things along. Bottom line I think for Trent as mentioned in a previous video found on this site, the message is still find ways to connect to your fans in interesting ways that make you stand apart. Then, they may purchase that concert ticket. The music, the videos…. they’ll always end up being free.

If you’re looking for old road story gossip about hangin out with skinny puppy and uncle al, er, Ministry, there’s none of that to be found here. There’s one bit near the very end on the last question, where he sort of quickly blurted that he was a recovering addict (drug) himself  in reference to whether or not the band’s bass player being a Scientologist was a problem for Trent.

The video/audio quality is quite well, and is even a 2 Camera shoot!

March 29, 2009

Rob Acid on Mastering

Robert Babicz about mastering audio from David Star

This is nice little clip on german producer / mastering engineer on some of tricks and tips and gear that he uses.
Loving all this behind the scenes stuff that is coming out these days.